Starting January 9, 2023, I will be taking clients with Calm Counseling as a Therapist Intern.
Here is a blurb from my Psychology Today profile:
“Start where you are” is a guiding principle in my work and in my life. My goal is to meet my clients in their present moment experience, incorporating compassion and gentleness into our sessions together. If you are someone whose mind races a million miles a minute and most of these thoughts are fearful, judgmental or worrisome, I can truly empathize. If we work together, we will move at a pace that feels respectful of where you are in your life and develop a path forward with the hope that you can decrease levels of anxiety and connect to your intuition.
As a long time yoga and meditation teacher, I understand the value of mindfulness and releasing thought patterns that are no longer necessary. I offer clients a space to feel more grounded and to develop skills to turn up the volume on self-compassion. I can also hold space for clients moving through grief and loss issues as well as health challenges.
It takes courage to take this seek out therapy. I commend you for taking the first step! If you think we might be a good fit, I would love to hear from you.”
Supervised by Kathryn Garland, LCSW-S
I look forward to working with you!
Photography by Liz Moskowitz